Ep11 - Is There Tension Between Faith and Psychology?


Psychology can sometimes be a tricky topic, especially within the church. The practice of psychology–or any form of therapy, really–is often seen as taboo; something to avoid because it might not align with our faith. 

As Christians, our faith tells us that God is the God who provides, who is almighty, and who can heal–and Jesus says He came to give us “life to the full” (John 10:10).

So isn’t going to a professional for our problems suggesting that God isn’t enough?

Does seeing a psychologist–especially one who might not be a Christian–go against our faith? Can the two go hand in hand? 

In previous episodes, we’ve heard many of our guests share the positive experiences they’ve had with psychologists and counsellors who’ve helped them deal with their mental illnesses. So is psychology good for us? Is it ever in tension with our faith?

In this episode, we’re chatting with Chris–a familiar voice here at Anxious Faith. Previously, Chris has shared with us his own journey with depression (listen to that episode here), and how visits to a psychologist were a key part of helping him through it.

Beyond his own experiences with mental illness, Chris has also studied two theological degrees, planted and pastored a church, and is now studying psychology himself. In this episode, we’re chatting with Chris about his experiences from both sides–as a recipient of therapy, and now as a student of psychology, too. 

We asked Chris what psychology is, how he believes it can actually help our walk with Christ, and whether he thinks psychology and faith are ever at odds.

Read the blog post to accompany this episode called, ‘If Jesus Is Enough, Why Would I Need Psychology?’, and, for more of Chris’ story, check out his other blog posts, ‘It’s Hard to Be Open About Mental Illness as a Guy’ and ‘I Was a Pastor With Depression’.  


If you’re in Australia and you need help finding a psychologist, a good place to start is with a visit to your GP. A GP can ask the right questions to help you figure out the best course of action, and can refer you to a psychologist under a mental health care plan. To find out more about what this visit is like, take a look at this short video from Dr Sarah, ‘What is a First Visit to a GP Like?’ For more information chat to your pastor, friends or family, or visit our Help page for helpful links.


Ep12 - Was God There During My Depression, Self-Harm and Suicidal Thoughts?


Ep10 - Why Hasn’t God Cured My OCD?